
An Introduction

       As I enter my senior year of college, I realize I have been missing out on some vital parts of what should. have been one of the greatest experiences of my life. I wanted to do great things, change the world, so on so forth, and here I am. I am more confused than when I entered college.      I have looked at what feels like a million internships over the course of the last few months (that's not to say that I haven't already had a few, its more so to keep learning and trying out new environments) and apparently I am the weirdo for not already having a blog. That's fine, though. Better late than never.      On this blog, I will probably share a lot of things. Mostly, weird analyses of different political events going on. I could write this all out and maybe I'll hand it in for one of my internship applications, get yelled at for "plagiarism" of my own work. Maybe no one will ever find this and read into yet another blog where a random college student dis